Bloomfield Hall School - Academic Standards

Teacher Training

teacher training

Our countrywide teacher training sessions ensure that all of our teachers receive proper training in line with Bloomfield Hall’s academic standards. Alongside academic training with subject specialists, BHS also focuses on sensitivity training, whereby our teachers are instructed to be aware and responsive to children’s mental health and emotional well being.

BHS organizes two types of training for its staff members:

In-service Teacher Training

In-service teacher training focuses on teachers’ academic and classroom responsibilities, such as student-teacher interaction, parent-teacher interaction, lesson planning, communication skills, time management, paper marking, classroom resource management etc.
BHS subject specialists offer training sessions for all subjects on offer at all levels.

Training by External Trainers

(a)Training conducted in Pakistan Trainers organised by Cambridge University, University of London (Edexcel) and the British Council

(b)Training Overseas BHS staff has attended training sessions in the UK, Singapore, Greece, Sri Lanka & Malaysia

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